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Natural Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes

Natural Home Remedies

It’s important to pay attention to signs and act promptly to avoid more problems. Here are some natural ways to help with Type 2 Diabetes.

Some studies show that certain natural remedies might help balance your blood sugar, especially when used with oral medication. These include fenugreek, magnesium, ginseng, aloe vera, cinnamon, and others.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) hasn’t found strong proof that herbal treatments or vitamin supplements help people with diabetes, unless they lack certain nutrients. Still, your healthcare provider might suggest trying some of these.

This article talks about various natural supplements that have been recommended to manage diabetes.

Always talk to your healthcare provider before trying these complementary therapies. Some may not be right for you or could interact with your current medications, which might need adjusting to avoid low blood sugar.

Natural Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes:


There are different kinds of ginseng, but the most helpful studies about ginseng and diabetes talk about American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius).

A big study that looked at lots of research found that American ginseng can really help control your blood sugar and fasting glucose levels (which shows how much sugar is in your blood overall). It does this by making your body’s insulin work better.

If you want to try it, look for pills with a certain part of ginseng called ginsenosides – that’s the important stuff in it.


Cinnamon is pretty cool because it can lower the sugar in your blood and also make certain things related to fat in your blood better.

In a really good test with 140 people who have type 2 diabetes, they tried taking cinnamon for three months. The people in the test were split into groups. Some got two capsules every day with 500 milligrams of cinnamon powder, and others got a fake pill (they didn’t know which one).

After three months, the group that got the real cinnamon had some important improvements, like:

The folks who got the most help was those who were a bit overweight with a BMI over 27.

Aloe Vera

While we usually think of aloe vera gel as something for minor burns and skin issues, there’s a thought that it might also help folks with diabetes.

This is because the gel has some special compounds from the plant, called phytosterols, that seem to lower blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels by helping store and use glucose better.


Some studies show that the plant Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) might bring down blood sugar levels in folks with type 2 diabetes. What’s interesting is that Gymnema can make sugary foods not taste as sweet, so you might not want to eat as much of them.

This plant is known for slowing down certain enzymes, which can help reduce how much fat your body stores and support weight loss.

One study even discovered that Gymnema’s strong antioxidant power could help stop damage to organs that often happens with diabetes.

But here’s the thing: Gymnema can really lower blood sugar levels. So, if you’re already taking medicine for diabetes or using insulin, it’s best not to take Gymnema at the same time unless your doctor is keeping a close eye on you.


Fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum) are used in cooking as a spice and sometimes in herbal medicine to treat different health issues.

While there isn’t strong proof that fenugreek has big benefits for any specific health problem, some studies suggest it could help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar. If you have prediabetes, using this herb might also stop the condition from turning into diabetes.

You can include these seeds in your cooking or take supplements made from powdered seeds or liquid extracts.


Chromium is a tiny but important mineral that helps your body handle carbs and fats and makes cells respond well to insulin. A study even found that fewer people got diabetes when they took a chromium supplement in the past month.

While there are some good studies hinting that chromium supplements might help, they’re not totally sure yet.

One review checked out 20 different studies on chromium, and in five of them, taking the supplement made blood sugar levels go down. In another five studies, a special measure called hemoglobin A1C went down by 0.5%.


One research study suggests that having too little magnesium may make it harder to control blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. This same study also gives proof that taking magnesium supplements might help with insulin resistance by making insulin work better.

Magnesium is a kind of mineral that our bodies need for more than 300 different things it does. It helps keep our blood sugar levels in check and is important for muscles, nerves, heart rhythm, the immune system, blood pressure, and our bones.

You can get magnesium in the form of supplements, or you can find it naturally in foods like green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

But be careful! Magnesium might not get along well with some medicines, like those for osteoporosis, high blood pressure, antibiotics, muscle relaxants, and diuretics. Always check with your doctor if you’re thinking about magnesium supplements.

Be careful, because although magnesium is usually safe, taking too much of it can lead to problems like diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, irregular heart rate, and confusion.


Research indicates that zinc can be beneficial for both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. It appears to enhance control of blood sugar levels and support healthy triglycerides and cholesterol.

In particular, taking a low dose of zinc, less than 25 milligrams (mg), seems to positively affect fasting blood glucose, insulin resistance, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol.


The rules for Americans say that adults should have 22 to 34 grams of fiber every day. This is really important for people with diabetes because fiber can help manage blood sugar levels.

To make sure you get enough fiber, you can add things to your diet that aren’t food, like psyllium, which is a supplement with soluble fiber. Studies haven’t found a difference between using supplements like these and getting fiber from whole foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, or oatmeal.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The main thing in ACV is called acetic acid, and it’s thought to be the reason for a lot of its health benefits. There are good ways to use ACV based on evidence. If you take 2 tablespoons before bedtime, it might lower your sugar levels when you wake up. Even better, having 1-2 tablespoons of ACV with meals can reduce the impact of a meal with lots of carbohydrates. I usually advise people to either have ACV by itself before a meal or mix it into salad dressings or teas.


This is one of the plants I really like, and you can find it in plants like goldenseal, barberry, Oregon grape root, and Coptis. The current evidence shows it can help lower blood sugar and HbA1c levels. However, it’s important to know that this herb can mess with how traditional medicines work, so don’t take it if you’re pregnant.


Eating right is super important when you have type 2 diabetes. We call this special eating plan a “diabetic diet.”

For a type 2 diabetic diet, it’s best to eat the healthiest foods in the right amounts and stick to regular mealtimes. This eating plan should have lots of good nutrients and be low in fat and calories.

The key is to focus on foods that are low in carbohydrates but high in fiber, like fruits, veggies, and whole grains. These foods help keep your blood sugar from going too high.

Stay away from foods high in carbohydrates because they can make your blood sugar levels go up.

It’s also a good idea to eat foods like legumes, seafood, barley, and others because they have things that can help lower your blood sugar.

Risks of Avoiding Standard Treatment

If you use these remedies, they should add to, not take the place of, your usual diabetes treatment.
Without the right medical care and checking your blood sugar often, diabetes can get worse and cause severe and maybe deadly problems, like:


People often talk about how herbal treatments and nutritional supplements can help control blood sugar, but there isn’t much proof of how well they really work. However, in many situations, including some of these natural remedies in your diet and using them with the medicine and treatments your doctor gives you won’t hurt and might even help a bit.

Some natural ways to manage diabetes, like adding more fiber to your diet, fit nicely into a healthy eating plan, which is really important for keeping your diabetes under control.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Natural Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes:

Q: Are natural remedies effective in balancing blood sugar for Type 2 Diabetes?

Some studies suggest that natural remedies like fenugreek, magnesium, ginseng, aloe vera, and cinnamon may help balance blood sugar, especially when used alongside oral medication. However, their effectiveness varies, and individual responses may differ.

Q: What does the American Diabetes Association (ADA) say about herbal treatments?

The ADA has not found strong evidence that herbal treatments or vitamin supplements significantly benefit people with diabetes, unless there are underlying nutrient deficiencies. Despite this, healthcare providers may recommend trying certain approaches.

Q: Is it necessary to consult a healthcare provider before trying natural remedies?

Yes, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider before trying complementary therapies. Some remedies may not be suitable for everyone and could interact with existing medications, potentially causing low blood sugar.

Q: What is emphasized in a Type 2 diabetic diet?

A Type 2 diabetic diet should focus on eating healthy foods in moderate amounts, adhering to regular mealtimes. It should be rich in nutrients, low in fat and calories, and include foods low in carbohydrates but high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Q: What are the potential risks of using natural remedies without standard diabetes treatment?

Using natural remedies should complement, not replace, standard diabetes treatment. Without proper medical care and regular blood sugar testing, diabetes may progress, leading to severe complications such as eye damage, liver cancer, kidney disease, nerve damage, diabetic coma, and stroke.

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